Buddha at Sunset

Buddha at Sunset

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Spring - the flowers bloom everywhere, the sun shines

It is time to focus our thoughts on the world we live in. It's quite beautiful. All around there are different kinds of beauty. Blue Sky, clouds with amazing shapes, mountains (in some places), water (in some places), flowers, trees, birds of all shapes and sizes. There is the beauty of the 'outdoor' sound; birds singing, the wind blowing thru the trees, water rushing by. Take a moment and let the world come into your head.

It is time we all began to stop the craziness of world leaders who have no love for the world! It is time to slow down the money crazy people who have no desire but for more money.

It is time we said thank you to our world, and tobegin to tell the money slaves that there is more to life and that we do not wish for them to rule the world any longer.